Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome New Owners

The Jersey League welcomes 5 new owners for Season 13. Four are newbies, although two of them have one other team so have some experience with the game. This is the most newbies we've had in a while, so let's help them out and keep on eye on them.

To the new owners, I think you'll enjoy this game and the Jersey League, we have a reputation in this league for looking out for new guys and helping them along. I was a newbie in this league in Season 3 and received lots of help. You should know that the reason we pay a lot of attention to newbies is that there have been new owners in that past that have really wrecked their teams due to bad trades and bad contracts, and then left after one season. Bad trades throw off the league's balance, and its hard to recruit owners for teams saddled with large unwise contracts. So, for those of us in the league for the long haul, it's in our best interest that we help you out.

Here is the new competition, boys:

zeg723L: Florida Oranges, AL South. New owner, has one other team in the Berra league.

missouridawg: St Louis Cardinals, AL South. Also a new owner with one other team. His other team is in Buckner, and sports an 88-69 record, so either he inherited a nice team or he knows what he's doing!

shnele: Tampa Bay Water Moccassins, NL East. A bit more experience here, shnele has 5 seasons under his belt and has made the playoffs twice. .456 career winning percentage. Two other teams besides Jersey, in the Griffey and F.Y.C. league.

headpirate: Texas Lone Stars, NL South. Total newbie here, this is his first and only team.

tschol: Honolulu Otto's. (I'm curious about this team name and the use of the possessive...does someone named Otto own the team?) Another newbie, first and only team here.

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